I love to journal. It’s one of the few habits I’ve consistently stuck with for the past two years and it has truly become a lifeline I rely on to keep track of where I’m at, let go of what I’m feeling, and also to get down creative ideas in a space where I don’t feel like I have to be perfect. My journal gets to see all the messy parts of me. Journaling has also been helpful because I can look back on issues or times in my life when I was overwhelmed and anxious about something and know how it ends- know that in the end, everything worked out. It helps me to see the bigger picture in my life. The whole process is so cathartic.

Journaling is a great way to set your intentions at the beginning of the day or to reflect and clear your mind at the end of the day or before a creative task. It’s also a great way to track your progress so you can come back later and see what you were feeling, how much you’ve grown, or the things you still struggle with. It’s an important part of the self-growth process and can help you overcome mental blocks and limiting beliefs. When you journal consistently you are not only honoring a positive creative habit but also investing in yourself- reconnecting with yourself. Not to mention that there are few things as satisfying as making it to the end of a complete journal!

Here are some general prompts as well as daily, weekly, and monthly reflections to incorporate into your journaling journey.

General prompts:

  • I am grateful for…
  • I am proud of myself for…
  • I want to worry less about…
  • Things I want to feel daily…
  • What are my most recurring negative thoughts?
  • I can be kinder to myself by…
  • What are some things I love about my life right now? How did they come to be?
  • Something I would like to do better at is…
  • My biggest dreams for the future are…
  • How can I improve/inspire the world around me?

Daily reflections:

  • The best part of today was…
  • The worst or hardest part of today was…
  • Something I want to let go of today is…
  • What did I do today to honor my passions/goals?
  • Things I want for tomorrow…  

Weekly reflections:

  • This week I am thankful for…
  • Something that helped me towards my goals this week…
  • Something that held me back from my goals this week…
  • Better habits to work on next week…
  • Feelings I welcome next week…

Monthly reflections:

  • My biggest challenge this month was…
  • I am proud of myself for…
  • Things to let go of…
  • Goals for next month…
  • Feelings/experiences I welcome next month…